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MK–STUDIOS – BIKF Keflavik Airport & BIRK Reykjavik Airport v2.0.2
MSFS 2020/2024

Addon Screenshot
Works with MSFS 2024: Yes – Backwards Compatible
Works with MSFS 2020: Yes – Native

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Visit Keflavik Airport (BIKF), the major airport of Iceland. The airport is known for its challenging weather conditions, including heavy crosswinds and cold temperatures, making it a popular location for airplane manufacturers to test their aircraft.

This package also includes Reykjavik Airport (BIRK), which serves domestic flights across Iceland.


• Fully detailed rendition of Keflav … read moreik Airport (BIKF)
• Handcrafted Reykjavik Airport (BIRK)
• Various Points of Interest (POIs)
• Up-to-date ground layout and stands
• Custom jetways
• Custom vehicle models
• Runway profile and elevation data
• High-quality terminal interior model
• Custom runway and taxiway lights
• Custom taxiway labels
• AI compatible
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29 thoughts on “MK–STUDIOS – BIKF Keflavik Airport & BIRK Reykjavik Airport v2.0.2
MSFS 2020/2024

  1. Something weird is happening with some mkstudios sceneries lately.
    At a certain distance, some buildings change in appearance. It’s very obvious at this airport and at BIKF.
    I don’t know if it is intended to improve performance but it is disturbing.

    1. That sounds like LOD. They substitute a lower-detail version of the building at farther distance, if they didn’t do that the performance would be much worse. This is done for most MSFS models, ideally the far away version doesn’t look very different from the up-close version, maybe they didn’t make them similar enough.

  2. People are hating on this but I think with a V2.1.0 or something, all of these issues can be fixed. It’s awesome that Reykjavik is included too. Finally no more Bravo style tower!

  3. Mr. 3TB Community Folder

    MK studios trying to sell all of their products twice. Not with me. Thanks simplaza

  4. Tested V2.0.0 and I don’t recommend a purchase.

    Rabbit lights on approach RWY01 missingRubber marks on the runways are consistent throughout the whole lenght of the runway and not just at the touchdown zones as it should beRunway textures somewhat repetitiveTextures on the military hangars are day/night switched: They are dark grey during the day and very bright/light grey in the night, making them stick out in the night very negatively.

  5. hello guys! i dont have any lights in scenery, just on terminal..but i have no lights or papi lights on runways…

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