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Vref Simulations – SBGR Sao Paulo/Guarulhos – Governador Andre Franco Montoro International Airport v1.5.0
MSFS 2020

Addon Screenshot
Works with MSFS 2024: Unknown
Works with MSFS 2020: Yes – Native

Note: This airport conflicts with TropicalSim SBGR airport, only use one of the two.
SBGR Guarulhos International Airport is São Paulo’s bustling gateway to the world, serving millions of passengers annually. As Brazil’s busiest airport, it connects travelers to domestic and international destinations with modern facilities and efficient operations. With multiple terminals and extensive runways, Guarulhos Airport accommodates a wide range of aircraft, ensuring smooth travel experi … read moreences for passengers.


• Custom terminal 2 and 3 jetway
• High-quality 3D modeling captures every detail of SBGR Guarulhos International Airport
• Native compatibility with Microsoft Flight Simulator ensures seamless integration and performance
• Physically Based Rendering (PBR) texturing enhances visual realism and authenticity
• Accurate placement of taxiways and terminals for realistic ground operations
• Dynamic lighting effects for immersive day, dusk, and night experiences
• Multiple terminals cater to a diverse range of airlines and destinations
• Detailed ground markings and signage aid in navigation and taxiing
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28 thoughts on “Vref Simulations – SBGR Sao Paulo/Guarulhos – Governador Andre Franco Montoro International Airport v1.5.0
MSFS 2020

  1. So ok
    Three contenders:
    Tropical Sim (older) and weark glass on terminal 3
    Vref and Geardown.

    Which one is best?
    Cuz all of them seems to have pro and cons too hardly

  2. Odio desse povo da VREF. Nunca vi esse povo na vida, do nada aparece com um cenário igual no mesmo dia. Joguei dinheiro fora e dei uma estrela mesmo.

  3. Esse povo da VREF se acha pra caraio nos comentários. Eu sou um dos que comprou essa merda achando que era o da GearDown. Eu e vários da minha VA. Essa merda não vale o preço. Nem se compara. Única coisa q ganha é o terminal 3, mas pelas prints que vi da GD, vai vir regaçando mais uma vez.

    1. o da geardown nao eh muito diferente… tem varios bugs e pessima performance…. nem o finger ligando na porta do aviao o cenario da geardown faz…

  4. Hi guys, this one its better than tropicalsim version? btw this one its better than paulo ricardo/BLS?!

    1. I don’t think Paulo Ricardo or BLG have versions of SBGR…Paulo Ricardo’s sceneries are great, so I’d be happy to know if they have one out there and I am missing it.

      TropicalSim has theirs (VRef is WAY better in my opinion)…and apparently GearDown is also bringing SBGR to life (not sure if it is better).

    2. Definetly better than tropicalsim one yes, also better than Geardown SBGR in my opinion. Paulo Ricardo didn’t do any SBGR so i don’t know what you’re taking about.

    1. Yeah, saving money so we don’t have to spend in GearDown heavy scenery with fps drop and that grandma’s glass at terminal 3….

  5. The user asking about the rating on Simmarket:
    Well that’s cause the frames at VREF are very bad besides T jetways won’t connect correctly.
    We’re still waiting Mr Plaza crack the Gear Down one wich is pretty good but until he does we’ll use VREF wich isn’t so bad just the frames and jetways anyway hope it helped.

    1. idk what you’re talking about, i got a 1050ti and the frames are silk smooth, even with a FBW A32NX

      1. Dude i got a few drops with fenix in this scenery with my 1650TI on my Notebook. On my PC i’ve got the 4090 and still have the same issue only with fenix. I dunno but i think Gear Down is better, however i’ll wait till SP uploads it so i won’t regreat it later.

    1. Haters. There is another scenery from GearDown and people are buying Vref to give 1 star. They don’t trust in their own scenery, so they need to give bad star in the Vref scenery 🙂

    2. Check written reviews or youtube reviews. Low score is usually because of low real life accuracy or bad performance – fps drops, stuters, sometimes even crash.

      1. this is the only case where the low rating is due to haters, i can attest to that because Geardown ppl have made another SBGR and decided to play it dirty giving VREF scenery bad ratings. Just trash ppl at Geardown.

    1. ikr, Geardown tbh has so many useless stuff and some of the terminal models from Geardown’s SBGR are so ugly, the T3 is awful in the Geardown one.

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